
 In today's group, we talked about second language. There are some people which majors in Germany or French in my group. The trouble is that it's hard to memorize words because masculine noun and female noun are distinguished. the man that majors in Chinese told us that it was hard to pronounce it despite the fact that Japanese was similar to it in terms of using Kanji. German is also similar to English. For example, In English, "Name" is pronounced ”ネーム”, but in German, it is pronounced "ナーメ”.  Thus similarity and difference are shown those languages. I was able to understand the anguish of learning languages. 


  1. Yes, we have to think about language history as well. German and English are in the same family and therefore said to be similar to each other. However, there is a human factor about language distances; we, people, often import them. Katakana is a good example. The dominant French words in English were also imported. I hope you will enjoy this kind of discovery while studying a language. (Koyo)




A little Princess
