The three Billy Goats Gruff

" Wait for my brother . He is bigger and much more delicious than I !" (p. 11)
In this story, there lived three billy goat brother. They decided to cross the bridge to have the grass.There was a troll under the bridge. He tried to eat them. When a billy crossed the bridge, he showed and told a billy that I want to eat you. But a billy refused because said "wait for my brother. He is bigger and much more delicious". The troll overlooked a billy and waited for a moment. Next, second billy came and said what first billy said. The troll overlooked again. Next, third billy who is bigger than three came. He showed and told third billy that I want to eat. "OK" third billy said. When Troll climbed up on the bridge, billy clashed into him so he fell into the water.
I think that this billies are smart.

●troll: 荒らし屋
著者 : P.C. Asbjornsen
HMH Books for Young Readers
発売日 : 1991-02-21



A little Princess

