The Lost Key

Kipper was sorry about the key. "It's all my fault," he said and he began to cry (p.31)
 In this story, Kipper and his mother went to shopping. She let him stop and play in the park. He was not noticed that there is a magic key in his pocket. The key fell out of his pocket while he was playing. After that, he looked in his pocket. But there is nothing. He wanted to look for the lost key, but his mother let him not to go. A man with cap went to the park and cut a lot of grass with a mower. Suddenly, the mower was broken because it absorbed the key. The man got angry to see the mower broken and go to the trash box to throw away. Two boys went to the trash box. One of them looked in the bin and found the key. They tied it to a string. When they swang a string around, Suddenly the key came off the string and pierce the someone's window of house. Unfortunately, it hit on the owner's head. He yelled. After kipper meet Biff and Chip to talk about the key, They started searching the key. Finally, it was in the man's house. Maybe, it must have been resold many times and have reached this man's house.
I think that losting something is not good.




A little Princess

