Red Planet

The magic took them to a rocket ship. It look Floppy too. The rocket looked as if it was about to take off, but the door was open. Nadim wanted to look inside the rocket. (p.8)
In this story, One day, Wilf played with Chip. They made a toy of rocket and enjoyed. Nadim came to the house with computer. Suddenly, it began to rain. Chip, wilf and Nadim decided to go into the house and play. Then, the magic key began to glow and took them to a rocket chip. Chip and Nadim hesitated to enter the rocket because they thought that it was not safe. Nadim said " This is a magic Adventure." They entered the rocket. After a dog called Floppy put on a button, The rocket began to take off. After that, it landed in the big planet. They prepared for the buggy and wore spacesuits. They went out on the planet. Suddenly, the ground cracked and they falled. Then They found some creatures. They repaired broken buggy. Some creatures decided to have chip, wilf and Nadim float with suits filled with air. Finally, They managed to go back to the rocket. It took off from planet.

●take off ;離陸する



A little Princess

